The Migrant Invasion of Asia: Pedo Rapist Huckle

A headline you will never see at any alt-right blog:

UK’s worst paedo faces 22 life sentences after raping 200 kids including baby in nappy.”

From age 19- 29, Richard Huckle, the grammar school-educated, church -going son of a British actress, posed as a volunteer at Christian orphanages all across Asia, while secretly molesting and raping some 200 or more children, ranging from babies to pre-teens. Huckle crowd-funded his crimes by selling a how-to manual on the dark web, where he bragged about his rapes on notorious paedo site, The Love Zone.

Huckle’s crimes are part of a tidal wave of  tourist/expat sex-crimes, perpetrated largely by males from Australia, the UK, Canada, the US and Europe.

This is the demographic that forms the growing market for the livestreaming of child-rape and abuse committed mostly against poor Asian children, many orphaned.

Now that’s a migrant crime wave you won’t hear about on Breitbart or FrontPageMagazine.

Obviously, I am not suggesting that white males are uniquely child molesters.

Anymore than any rational person would suggest that all inner-city blacks are violent or all Mexican or Muslim immigrants are rapists and jihadists.

But that is precisely what nativist sites on the right and sometimes the left consistently do.

If a pattern shows up, we are correct to point it out, regardless of ethnic sensibilities.

We are not correct to misinterpret the data to ascribe or insinuate unique biological propensities for crime to the perpetrators.

Keeping the big picture of elite manipulation in mind, we see a pattern of breakdown in all groups that follows the fault lines peculiar to their ethnic and socio-political history.

Western males have greater access to technology and more freedom to travel. They are also the product of  a culture that glorifies pornography and denigrates religious or social strictures against unlicensed sexual expression. They are the targets of aggressive feminism.

The combination might make the sexual exploitation of the weakest members of society more attractive to the worst instincts of some men.

The same holds true for the so-called migrant crime wave in the US and Europe.  Incentivize immigration with welfare; make it hard for legal, highly-skilled workers to immigrate and easy for illegal, low-skilled ones to; promote a culture of drugs, violence, and misogyny in popular culture; then throw in opportunistic interactions between criminal gangs and governments and you have a recipe for migrant crime- waves.

Race is not the cause, it should be obvious. It is culture, orchestrated from above.

If only white nationalists and black nationalists would see that.


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