Breast Cancer Report Suggests Khazarian Link To Ashkenazim?

Michael Hoffman:

Proceeding from early findings in books such as Arthur Koesltler’s The Thirteenth Tribe and Paul Wexler’s The Ashkenazic Jews: A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity, scientists like Dr. Elhaik have traced the origins of most “Jews” in the West to a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the eighth century, lived in the Eurasian state of Khazaria, and then migrated to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries where gullible churchmen accepted them as the Jews, God’s wayward but chosen people.

In Khazaria the word “Kagan” (also spelled Khagan) denoted ruler or emperor. Observe some of the fake “Jews” who rule over us and who have that moniker or prefix: Robert Kagan, neocon architect of the Iraq war (co-founder of the Project for the New American Century with William Kristol); Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; Lazar Kaganovich, Bolshevik Commissar of the propaganda department of the Red Army, destroyer of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Secretary of the Moscow Branch of the Communist Party under Stalin; Rabbi Meir Kagan, Polish-born author of the Talmud-derived law book Mishnah Berurah that rules the lives of hundreds of thousands of Khazar adherents of Orthodox Judaism.

The Zionist-dominated American media typically surround pioneering scientific data like that of Dr. Elhaik with a plethora of extreme skepticism, conflicting reports and disputation from contrary sources, so as to sow doubts among those who might otherwise be willing to accept the data as credible. Such acceptance would completely undermine the Israeli justification for appropriating Palestinian land and extruding the indigenous population. It would also expose the diabolic bankruptcy of the doctrine of recent popes and Protestant Fundamentalists, which insinuate that having rejected Christ, Israelis will nevertheless be granted eternal life as a result of an “irrevocable covenant” based on their alleged carnal descent from the Biblical patriarchs.

In the case of the following New York Times article of Nov. 27, 2013, the propaganda mechanisms usually in place are absent. This is an unguarded study of hereditary breast cancer genes occurring among Khazar women who are identified as “Ashkenazi” (of course we sympathize with the Khazar ladies —and all women afflicted with breast cancer  — and we advise that all married women have many children and breast feed them, because statistically, mothers of large, breast-fed families often have significantly lower rates of breast cancer).

No attempt has been made in this Times report on Ashkenazi breast cancer to explain how millions of so-called Jews occupying Palestinian land are shown in scientific and medical literature to have an east European rather than a Middle Eastern origin.

Substitute the word “Khazar” for “Ashkenazi” in the Times report: “In Israel, a Push to Screen for Cancer Gene Leaves Many Conflicted,” and you’ll have the true racial identity of half the population of “Jews” in counterfeit “Israel,” and most of the population of “Jews” in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe.

It is for this reason that we never call these people Jews. Instead we have coined the term “Judaics” to describe them, based on their religious/nationalist affiliation with or nostalgia for Talmudic Judaism and/or the folk culture of Yiddishkeit, the medieval ghetto, and the accompanying legends of tribal solidarity during persecution. An equally or even more appropriate term would simply be Khazar, but this word remains at present too opaque to be widely recognized as a synonym for those who say they are Jews and are not, although hopefully that will change in the near future.”

24 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Report Suggests Khazarian Link To Ashkenazim?

  1. Likely people migrated from Kaghan valley, in Pakistan.
    No such thing as Khazaria ever existed. A flash civilization suddenly appears and then disappears, all signs of vested interest. Modus operandi pretty standard, throw in some coins, a few bones, a few inscriptions and let your appointed chairs in your universities then churn out paper after paper and create fact out of fiction.

  2. Going from Kashmir (Kosher is how Kashmir is called by Kashmiris in native language) to Jerusalem the population is Aryan (haplogroup R1) from Kashmir till Iran. From Iraq population starts becoming Arab.
    Original native Shephardic Jews are Arabs (haplogroup J)
    Now here is the twist to this. Ashkenazi Jews are people who migrated from ancient greater Kashmir area to Jerusalem and surrounding areas. They became the priests and ruling class. That is why Jewish customs and names etc are similar to those in Kashmir. They eat Kosher food, follow Kosher things, even put the red thread around their wrists, but
    Ashkenazi don’t want to accept that their ancestors were Koshur Aryans because of ignorance and ego about their origins. They have invented a fictional Khazaria to fill in the blanks for themselves.

  3. Continued :
    So yes the Ashkenazi / Levies are Aryans who moved to Jerusalem and surrounding areas, but not from Khazaria. They migrated from Kosher land ( Kashmir ). Yes they converted to Judaism, probably because their local king told them to do so and as they became accepted as priests and ruling class in their new home.

  4. Not all are ignorant, there are people in know of the secrets behind Kashmir and the origin of modern man. Kashmir is the navel of the world.
    For example check the lyrics of song Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.
    Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face
    And stars fill my dream
    I’m a traveler of both time and space
    To be where I have been
    To sit with elders of the gentle race
    This world has seldom seen
    They talk of days for which they sit and wait
    All will be revealed…….
    Google the complete lyrics and reflect. : )

    • R, the India-Israelite/Hebrew link is very suggestive to me. Even persuasive. But the Israelites eventually were replaced by a mixed multitude, ethnically.
      On the other hand, the Judaists, i.e. Yiddish-culture converts, are not be confused with those.
      The Judaists do indeed seem to be from Ashkenaz in the Anatolian region and to be a mixture of Turkish and other elements. Mongolian is one of them.
      So I agree with you about the fascinating nature of the connections to India/Kashmir. But the Judaists today are surely not the direct descendants of the Israelites.
      They are at best the descendants of part-Israelite traders (men) who intermarried with others. At best. Most likely, they are another group of people altogether.
      I wouldn’t venture to speculate about linguistic or genetic descent without a lot more reading and knowledge.
      Also, I do not see why the existence of Khazaria as a homeland of the Turco-Mongolic Judaists should entail a refutation of the Kashmir-Israelite conenction.
      It doesn’t. Both can coexist.
      But all this is speculative for me. I don’t have a committed theory because I don’t know enough at first hand.

  5. When you hold the money power strangle hold, everything is yours. You see a pillar anywhere, it is a “Greece like pillar”. Alexander the great built it.

  6. It feels absurd to see billions of Christians conned into believing that Israelites are the chosen people. Why would God be so insecure, as to divide his creation, and make one tribe the chosen one?

    When the Catholic church recently agreed to allow cremation, rather than just burial, their logic was this – God is all powerful, so he can resurrect a person, even if the body has been cremated. But they added a rider, don’t store the ash in the house, or scatter it (the way the Hindus do). If Christians have such an intent (i.e. follow pagan customs), then they should not be given christian last rites by the church.
    Why a God that can resurrect the body of a cremated person, can’t sort his own from the non-christians? Instead of requiring the church to do it.
    The way religious institutions delegate some things to God, and keep others to themselves is rather funny.

    • I see your point. But it’s not a stretch for me to believe that God has chosen ones to whom he reveals truths. He has chosen ones to whom he gives great beauty, brains, and everything else…He chooses everyone for different things. So a chosen tribe doesn’t stretch credibility.
      It’s just that I don’t think this particular tribe is THAT chosen tribe.
      As for cremation etc., one could just as well ask why Hindus don’t choose burial or Parsis need vultures. God can do anything…which is precisely why he can also advocate vultures, coffins, urns, ashes or anything else, if he wants to…in different parts of the world…and let his priests or pontificators know in advance.
      Once you believe in the supernatural…anything is certainly possible.
      Which is a danger if you think the supernatural is necessarily an absurdity and contrary to reason. Not so dangerous, if you think it is just reason yet to be apprehended as reason.

      • Reason needs a set of rules. We can certainly try using logic that has no rules. Like for example, those rules are yet to be discovered or appreciated. However that zone has a tendency to sound like a drunken discourse. Which is fine too.

        • I am not advocating logic without rules…which would be an impossibility. I am saying you are confusing Jews with converts to Judaism.

        • Not at all.
          Think of different views of the surrounding space from different altitudes on a mountain.
          And we’re not talking about rules, in the first place. We are talking about different religious practices. More akin to different diets that all result in good nutrition, some better in some ways, some in others.

    • Yes, and it’s all there in Gerald Massey’s books..and some others….I am quite well read in that literature and have blogged it.
      The current crop are mixed European and Middle East though.

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