Gonzalo Lira: NATO False Flag Coming Soon

Gonzalo Lira, on the ground in Kharkov, explains why he thinks a NATO false-flag is in the making. Well, in Victoria Nuland’s testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, she tacitly admitted the existence of germ warfare labs run by the US in the Ukraine, so the US and its Ukrainian puppet are going to have to answer questions about genocide in the Donbas. Putin is a lawyer, and he knows exactly what constitutes a genocide under international law, so this is no exaggeration.  It is the palpable fear of being held accountable for this and other war crimes that drives US/NATO’s more and more hysterical moves, according to Andrei Martyanov.  It was thus that we had the Mariupol hospital bombing allegation, on which I blogged,  a relatively quick counter-attack on the psychological front. That was soon deconstructed, but it has bought time for NATO to come up with a more effective and dangerous false-flag employing chemical weapons, that will provide the pretext for NATO/US to intervene directly.

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