Eduard Hodos: Chernobyl And The Third Khazaria

Read this and consider if  Putin, the great benefactor of Chabad from all accounts, is only denazifying the Ukraine or is he playing a necessary role in the desertification of the Ukraine that Hodos speak about below:

Eduard Hodos:

It bears mentioning that Chernobyl has always been regarded by members of the sect [Lila: Chabad Lubavitch] as a sacred place of requital and punishment. You see, it was there that Bogdan Khmelnitsky wiped out the “Chernobyl branch” of Chabad’s forefathers by fire and sword. And it’s no accident that the catastrophe which took place at Chernobyl, which the whole world regards as a “tragedy” and a “catastrophe”, is referred to by Lubavitchers as “The Chernobyl Wonder”. It’s no accident either that beginning in the 1990’s — the period of the establishment of the Third Khazaria — Lubavitchers “opened season” on ritual bacchanalias in Pripiat’, the epicenter of the Chernobyl Wasteland. [Unfortunately the author doesn’t elaborate on these “ritual bacchanalias”. — Editor]

That’s why my theory of a planned diversion, the generous financing of which was able to guarantee the well-known consequences at Chernobyl, has a perfect right to exist.

But let’s return to the Third Khazaria, at whose foundations lies the “desert ideology” posited by my theory. What’s the essence of this ideology, whose very name deprives us of any hint of optimism?

Well really, to understand what I’m talking about, all you need to do is remove your “blinders”, take a look around you, and try to make sense of what you see. I hope it won’t be necessary for me to strain myself in depicting the obvious “achievements” of the generously-financed Third Khazarian “experiment”, which has ravaged our land like a tornado.

All of us are like addicts who were deprived of the “needle” of our socialist “stagnation”, writhing for more than ten years in the hellish “withdrawal” of Khazarian “reforms”. We continue to hope against hope that soon, very soon, things will get better — the main thing is to be patient. But with every day the number of those who were unable to survive their Khazarian “overdose” rises.

In my books I’ve repeatedly attempted to show just what kind of fate is being prepared for us who are still — for the time being — alive on this [post-Soviet] land. On our holy, long-suffering land, over which the Khazarian Sword of Damocles once again hangs.

To support my words I’ll once again cite a passage from my previous book. I’m referring to an article in the newspaper “Argumenty i Fakty” which I used in The Jewish Syndrome-2 and which will help you achieve understanding of the “desert ideology” of “The Third Khazaria”.

The name of the article is “The Country’s Dying. Quietly, but Quickly” (cited here in shortened form):

The decline of Ukraine’s demographic indicators was first established in 1993. Since that time one can observe a steady escalation in the crisis. Today we’re witnessing the lowest birth rate for the whole postwar period; it lags the death rate by nearly a factor of two. In the first nine months of 2001, 260 000 fewer people have been born in the Ukraine than have died. Adding to this figure data about the active emigration of our countrymen abroad, authors of numerous publications on the given topic have come to the following conclusion: Given the current rate of population decline, every 25-30 years the population of the country will decline by half, so if yet another 50-60 years pass the world map will be deprived of the mighty ox-shaped contours of the Ukraine, which is striving so mightily today to integrate itself into Europe!

There’s yet another “spicy” detail in the experts’ forecasts: the sharp reduction of the native population could trigger an intensive influx of immigrants, mainly from the Asian and African continents, and the proportional weight of the non-European population (which is not suffering at all from the demographic point of view — the only problem is in finding living space) will grow at a rate comparable with the dying-out of the native population. Racism is ugly and a sin, but once the Moors have move in to occupy the Dnieper you won’t be singing “We’re not dead yet…” any longer.

Optimists love to remind us that a few developed countries have an even lower birth rate than us. Yes, Italy, Spain, San Marino and Hong Kong are breeding even more slowly. But their process of depopulation is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in mortality and the rise in average life-expectancy. If we compare the last-mentioned criteria in the Ukraine to that of developed countries, we see that our “fleeting life” is more nine years more fleeting than that of Western Europeans’ and twelve years more than the Japanese’.

It’s been established that our demographic decline is determined above all by the use of birth control among women. But why is this happening? If in Europe the maternal instinct has been “deadened” by the ideals of career and emancipation, our far less feminized women are hindered by the fear of miscarriage or giving birth to a “defective” child: The quantity of unhealthy young women has risen sharply.

A certain “stability” is observed by the experts only in the primary causes of death, which have remained unchanged over the course of decades. First place among causes of death in the Ukraine is occupied by circulatory diseases. Second place — by malignant tumors. Next come accidents, poisoning, trauma and respiratory failure.

To round out the above-mentioned factors which are leading to the “emptying” of our country one can add epidemiological data: tuberculosis, which takes 9 000 lives annually, and social pathologies resulting from the low standard of living. Even more alarming than tuberculosis are HIV-related diseases. Their “advance” seems to indicate that an AIDS explosion may lie ahead.