Did Hitler Live In Exile In Argentina Until 1971?

Huffington Post:

Basti’s theory of Hitler’s escape and particularly his route via the Canary Islands has also been backed up by veteran CIA agent Bob Baer, who claims to have proof the German leader faked his own death and fled to Tenerife.

Appearing on a History Channel series in January, Baer and his team analysed 700 pages of declassified information, with one stating: “American Army officials in Germany have not located Hitler’s body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead.”

Circumstances of the dictator’s death were also clouded in 2009 when American researchers claimed DNA tests on a fragment of skull, said to belong to Hitler, revealed it actually belonged to an unidentified woman, the Guardian reported.

The skull fragment, complete with bullet hole, was supposedly taken from the bunker by the Russians and went on display in Moscow in 2000, where it was presented as irrefutable evidence Hitler had committed suicide.

Argentina was seen as something of a haven to leaders of the Third Reich, with ‘Angel of Death’ Joseph Mengele seeking refuge there
Argentina was seen as something of a haven to leaders of the Third Reich, with ‘Angel of Death’ Joseph Mengele seeking refuge thereKEYSTONE VIA GETTY IMAGES
Hitler biographer Werner Maser has also declared the fragment to be a fake, the BBC reports.

The post World War II connection to South America is widely known, with archaeologists last year stumbling upon what they believed were the ruins of a secret jungle lair built especially for Nazi leaders of the Third Reich, should they have been forced to flee Germany.

A series of stone ruins located in Argentina’s Teyu Cuare provincial park in the north of the country with its border with Paraguay were discovered by researchers hacking their way through the undergrowth with machetes.

In the event, the lair was not needed, as Argentinian president Juan Peron welcomed thousands of Nazis and Italian fascists to the country with open arms.

Joseph Mengele, a doctor who conducted barbaric experiments at the Auschwitz concentration camp and Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann, were known to have fled there.

Eichmann was kidnapped by Israeli agents in 1960, taken to Israel where he was tried and executed.

In 2000 Argentinian President Fernando de la Rua issued a formal apology for the country’s role in harbouring Nazi war criminals.

But as yet there has been no formal comment or evidence of Hitler’s own presence in the

Fascist Biowar Experts Hired By CIA Operation Paperclip

Finian Cunningham at Strategic-Culture.org:

Medical scientists Shiro Ishii and Kurt Blome were respectively the commanders of the biological and chemical warfare research efforts by Japan and Germany during the war. Ishii commanded the notorious Unit 731 which was based in Manchuria in Japanese-occupied China. Blome was the lead scientist in testing biological weapons and poisonous gases on inmates at Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps.

Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany collaborated intensively in the sharing of experimental data on new bioweapons, including the spreading of anthrax, typhoid, cholera, smallpox, bubonic plague, and botulism.

Ishii’s Unit 731 is estimated to have caused up to 500,000 deaths during the war from the use of biological warfare by dropping pathogens from airplanes on Chinese cities in Hunan and Zhejiang provinces. The unit also carried out diabolic forced experiments on Chinese and Russian prisoners of war to study the epidemiology of diseases and vaccines. Inmates were infected with pathogens and subjected to horrible agonizing deaths.

Shiro Ishii and his criminal network were never brought to trial following the war despite earnest Soviet requests. Instead, the Americans who occupied mainland Japan granted him and his team of doctors immunity from prosecution in exchange for exclusive access to the biological and chemical warfare experiments. The Pentagon assigned its experts from Fort Detrick, Maryland, to tap the Japanese trove of data.

General Douglas MacArthur, the Allied Supreme Commander, personally intervened to ensure that Washington did not allow prosecution of Ishii or any other Japanese wartime specialist in those fields. Ishii died in 1959 in Tokyo at the age of 67 never having faced justice for the mass deaths he had supervised.

Meanwhile, Kurt Blome, the Wehrmacht chief of biological and chemical warfare, was brought to trial at the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trials but he was acquitted in 1947 primarily because of American intervention to let him walk free.

Blome was just one of over 1,000 Nazi scientists and engineers who were recruited by the U.S. as part of Operation Paperclip. They would go on to be vital contributors to developing American missile technology and the NASA space program.

Again Fort Detrick, the Pentagon’s biological warfare center, tapped Blome’s expertise in weaponizing anthrax and other pathogens. His knowledge of nerve agents such as Tabun and Sarin was also harnessed by the CIA and its MK-Ultra program for assassinating political opponents. Blome worked closely with Sydney Gottlieb who headed up the CIA’s biological and chemical warfare unit. Gottlieb was known as the agency’s “poisoner-in-chief” and was personally involved in repeated efforts to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Ironically, the CIA man who was the son of Jewish Hungarian immigrants ended up working with a Nazi scientist who had experimented at Auschwitz.

Read the rest at Strategic-Culture.org