Donald Trump Failed To Break The Techno-Managerial Dictatorship

Scott Gibbons at The Millenial City:

“As I wrote in my book, Trumped by History: The Resurrection of the Great American Middle Class, then suddenly, out of left field came the perennial celebrity Donald Trump. He did not come from within any institution or discipline, and his ideas and platform coalesced rapidly through interaction with various populist personalities, frustration and thought waves. Trump most famously recognized and sanctioned the downtrodden great American middle class and drew those people out of long-term seclusion into increased and open expression of opinion. He resuscitated them and suddenly by just wearing MAGA caps their long suppressed opinions were clear to everyone.

As I wrote in Trumped by History, in bypassing the mainstream institutions and processes, Donald Trump starkly defined the conflict between the middle class and the techno-managerial elite, drawing his supporters fully into the open for the first time since they had lost their social dominance in the 1960s. At the same time, he elicited a virulent opposition to himself personally from establishment conservatives whose ideology was thought in principle to be nearly the same as that of his supporters – revealing both left and right to be the true techno-managerial elite enemy of the great American middle class.”

Gibbons suggests that the Trump presidency failed to dislodge the techno-managerial ruling class and only enriched its own self, thereby leaving its followers even more vulnerable than before.

This is a pessimistic and widely-held analysis that I don’t share, because I never subscribed to the belief that Trump came from no where. I was quite clear-eyed from the beginning about who Trump was. I realized he was a liberal from the heart of the establishment – he was, after all, sent out to sell the financial bail-out to the public. There was his family’s decades-long coziness with mob figures, his ties to the Clintons, and his family ties to the media and to the Jewish establishment. He would never have become that popular without that.

However, to me he represented an opening, a disruption that had the potential to shake things up and move them in an unexpected direction. That potential did not exist with Hillary Clinton.

Trump blew up the place verbally.

And that created a space for the middle class to express itself. Whatever else did not get accomplished by his presidency, that did.

And it can not be undone.



Japan Tries Anti-Russian Provocation, Fails

Andrew Korybko reports on a failed attempt by Japan to stage an anti-Russian provocation, using India.

A scandal suddenly erupted within the Quad earlier this week after India refused to allow a plane from fellow partner Japan’s “Self-Defense Forces” (SDF) to pick up humanitarian supplies in the country that were destined for Poland and Romania. New Delhi quickly clarified, however, that “We have conveyed our approval for picking of such supplies from India using commercial aircraft.” The Hindu noted that the use of civilian aircraft is obviously preferred by India over military ones like the SDF plane that was initially dispatched on this mission since the South Asian state very proudly practices a policy of principled neutrality. It continues to do so despite immense American pressure to publicly condemn Russia for its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. Since the scandal has now been clarified, it’s time to analyze exactly why it even happened at all and what everything related to it might mean.

India and Japan have excellent relations and closely cooperate bilaterally and through the Quad alongside America and Australia. They’re officially driven by their pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes that supposedly aren’t directed against any third party even though most observers suspect that shared concerns about their mutual Chinese neighbor’s rise played a role in bringing them closer together over the past decade at the accelerated pace that their relations have since developed. Whether that’s the case or not, there’s also no denying that these two strategic partners practice different policies towards Russia: India’s is one of principled neutrality while Japan has dutifully complied with its American overlord’s demands to sanction that Eurasian Great Power even though it’s declined to quit its Sakhalin energy project on the pretext that doing so would somehow help Moscow.

Nevertheless, the Japanese leadership seems to believe that their national interests are best served by taking on a more prominent role in their American overlord’s anti-Russian campaign to the extent that’s realistically possible given Tokyo’s limitations in this respect. With that in mind, it seems to have plotted to rope India into an anti-Russian provocation by dispatching its SDF plane to pick up humanitarian aid in that country en route to Ukraine’s NATO neighbors in Central Europe. Had New Delhi approved its landing, then the optics would have been such that Moscow might have wondered why its special and privileged strategic partner would allow a military plane from a newly designated unfriendly country (the legal category of which refers to states like Japan and those in the EU that have sanctioned Russia) to carry out this humanitarian mission when a civilian one could have been used instead.

India’s strategists have very wise and know their Russian de facto allies very well, which is why they weren’t going to get roped into this provocation by their fellow Quad partner. That’s why they refused to authorize the SDF plane’s landing since Japan should have known better by dispatching a civilian aircraft for carrying out this humanitarian mission instead.

[Read the rest at  One World Press.]


Vladimir Putin: Monster, Madman, or Mastermind?

Moscow-based analyst Andrew Korybko debunks the false portrait of Putin promoted in the Western media:

Everyone is trying to figure out who exactly President Putin is and what he’s trying to achieve. Many of his opponents and even quite a lot of his foreign supporters alike have regularly misportrayed him as a strongman who’s obsessed with fighting against the West, each propagating this narrative in pursuit of their diametrically different ideological agenda. This storyline, for as compelling as it may be, is grossly inaccurate and deserves clarification.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most talked-about man this century thus far after commencing his country’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine in late February. That dramatic move was intended to uphold the integrity of Russia’s national security red lines in Ukraine in particular and in the region more broadly. It followed the US-led West refusing to respect his security guarantee requests from December, which in turn prompted President Putin to kinetically defend Russia’s existential interests. The unprecedented and preplanned response by the US-led West accelerated preexisting multipolar trends connected to the ongoing global systemic transition and led to what many nowadays consider to be the worst crisis since World War II.
Amidst all of this, everyone is trying to figure out who exactly President Putin is and what he’s trying to achieve. Many of his opponents and even quite a lot of his foreign supporters alike have regularly misportrayed him as a strongman who’s obsessed with fighting against the West, each propagating this narrative in pursuit of their diametrically different ideological agenda.
According to this common interpretation of his motives, he simply can’t get over how the USSR’s dissolution in 1991 led to the erasure of Russia’s former superpower status. In their minds, he’s plotted for decades to make the move that he fatefully did in February, though each side differs over their assessment of how successful it’s been since. This storyline, for as compelling as it may be, is grossly inaccurate and deserves clarification.
Beginning with the viewpoint of his opponents, President Putin is either a monster or a madman. The first implies that he’s a bloodthirsty dictator who couldn’t give a damn for any notion of democracy and human rights, whether the objective understanding thereof or subjective interpretations of them that vary based on society. All that he wants, they claim, is to kill as many people as possible. This leads to the second viewpoint of him possibly being a madman, as in, someone who’s literally gone crazy and surrendered to whatever pathology it may be that supposedly controls everything that he does. Those who ascribe to this interpretation insist that he isn’t a rational actor and therefore mustn’t be negotiated with. Whether a monster or madman, his opponents claim that this man must be contained.
The polar opposite camp employed a proto-QAnon model to explain everything that he does by introducing the idea that he’s a mastermind who plays “5D chess”, “is always winning”, and that everyone who sympathizes with even a single element of his policies should just “trust the plan” exactly as former US President Donald Trump’s most passionate supporters suggested about that American leader.
According to them, President Putin deeply despises everything associated with the West, especially its close partners like Israel and Turkey. Anytime he pragmatically interacts with them and is caught on camera smiling alongside their leaders, they claim, he’s just “playing chess” and “tricking his enemies” in order to supposedly “gather intel” to help defeat them at a later undisclosed time.
Suffice to say, all three interpretations are flat-out ridiculous and have no resemblance to reality. President Putin isn’t a monster, madman, or a mastermind, he’s simply a man who history placed in a very unique position that ultimately compelled him to muscularly defend his Great Power’s existential national security red lines in the most dramatic way possible.

Former WSJ Publisher Censors News Websites With Nutrition Labels


Labeling through extensive disclosure is more practical on the internet than in print or through broadcasts, where space is limited. Disclosures online can be detailed enough to give readers all the information they need to decide how trustworthy to consider a source. My analyst colleagues at NewsGuard often write “Nutrition Labels” for news sites in the thousands of words, with numerous citations, to explain why sites like RT and Sputnik News fail basic criteria of journalistic practice and differ fundamentally from government news sources with effective independent charters such as the BBC. Microsoft makes NewsGuard’s detailed ratings and reviews of news websites available to its users, but the other large platforms don’t yet provide this kind of transparency to their users. And labels work: Gallup research found that when given access to apolitical source ratings, a majority of readers became less likely to believe or share news from websites rated untrustworthy and more likely to believe and share news from websites rated trustworthy.”

Yet another example of the pervasive censorship and distortion that plagues the so-called free press.

Lower ratings will automatically be slapped on unpopular political positions, even those voiced by completely marginal internet blogs and websites, the last remaining strong-holds of pure truth-telling. The lower ratings will translate into lower rankings by the search engines and that will lead to a precipitous drop in readership. Wrong-think will not simply be devalued. It will be silenced.

Hate-Russia Is Part Of The Internet Counter-Reformation

The Internet Reformation [h/t to Anthony Wile of The Daily Bell ] is the notion that the widespread use of the internet was the equivalent of the  widespread use of the printed word, following on Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press.

It was an unveiling of things that had been hidden until then, from the teachings of the Bible to the workings of nature. It was an apocalypse, if you will, of the same magnitude as what is taking place today, with the adoption of the Internet.

Something similar was supposed to have happened with the Internet. The monopoly of the large media houses was supposed to have been shattered and replaced by the voices of citizens. And it was. But this Reformation was barely underway in 2007, when the Internet Counter-Reformation mounted its assault, using dozens of large anonymous or pseudonymous “citizen media” outlets, which, on careful examination, proved to have been astro-turfed.

That is, they led straight back to the mainstream media [MSM] and to the mainstream alternative media, to use an oxymoron.

I have explained who these mainstream alternatives are elsewhere.

They include outlets like Democracy Now, Alternet, Breitbart, Daily Caller and dozens of others.

These are just a few I’ve picked that are widely read on all sides of the political spectrum.  There are scores of other sites that are just as influential that I have not named. They too belong here. As do hundreds of smaller ones, for whom the words below are equally relevant.

The mainstream alternatives constitute what the now-disappeared Zahir Ebrahim

[who seems to have resurfaced through a mirror blog of some kind]

has dubbed the dissentstream

a body of dissent, which, on closer examination, reinforces in subtle ways the assumptions and conclusions of the mainstream media, both establishment and alternative.

This body of dissent mixed with disinformation is allowed to exist because of the variety of uses it has for the state:

It acts a  release-valve for citizen frustration and hostility

It provides maximum cognitive diversity in the information environment

Is provides maximum cover for information operations and black operations conducted by the intelligence services

It allows war- gaming of various planned or mulled future scenarios

It traces and surveils social networks of potential and real dissidents

It disciplines bloggers/citizens to self-censor, through high-profile highly visible pundit take-downs and cancellations

It tests the public mood and readiness for various covert and public projects

It employs predictive programming, aka “revelation of the method,” as described by Michael Hoffman

[The notion of predictive programming is regarded as a conspiracy theory by the media-academic-think-tank complex, which is now sending anyone who looks for it on a Google search to the term, predictive coding. Previously, you could find predictive programming on the first page of a Google search for the term.]

It generates and develops memes that mold public consciousness and markets

It taps potential markets and creates new one

It takes without credit, ideas, research, innovations, and leads and uses them to reward and enrich preferred individuals and companies  and to suppress and impoverish other voices

That is not an exhaustive list, by any means.

Bottom line:

The media is not about informing the public. It is about misleading it and milking it.

The media is not about revealing the truth. It is about paralyzing the will and diverting/exhausting attention and resources.



Russians fight back with WarOnFakes

A site started by some Russian government linked activists to counter the media blitz:

It’s called War on Fakes.

Here’s their deconstruction of the alleged bombing of a maternity hospital, a story even the human rights organizations ran with, without so much as a peek into its credibility.

This piece refutes the allegation that Russians will use chemical weapons.

I’m going to check them out any time something fishy surfaces. Here’s to TRUTH winning.

FALSE FLAG ALERT: US Warns Of Russian Chemical/Biological Attack

From The Times of India:

The Biden administration publicly warned Wednesday that Russia might seek to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine as the White House rejected Russian claims of illegal chemical weapons development in the country it has invaded.

With Nuland’s admission yesterday that the US biolabs were indeed bioweapons labs and not simply health stations, and with the revelation by Russia of documentary proof that the Ukrainians government had ordered all stocks of those weapons/pathogens destroyed, the stakes have been seriously upped for NATO.

Thus the Biden announcement, intended as an inoculation against a Ukrainian biological attack that can be blamed on the Russians.

The Russians seem not have fully factored in the immense psychological and disinformation capacities of the concerted media of the West.

As always, those of us outside the realm of power must be cautious and trust the evidence.

The evidence was that Trump, while offering a point of resistance to the NWO within the US, although not outside it, was finally too much beholden to it to strike the necessary blows. But he made possible the rise of Ron de Santis. Who I think might.

Similarly, Putin himself might be too beholden to the oligarchs to actually become an effective locus of resistance to them, but he may well lead the way to those who will be. In any case, in the rest of the world, those who tried to remain neutral in this tragedy are taking notes.




Presstitutes 101: Deny Something While Admitting It

CNN gives the hapless citizens of this country an object lesson in an essential skill of all aspiring Presstitutes: the ability to deny something while admitting it in the same breath:

Does the Dominion Voting Systems organization have ties to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, George Soros and the Clinton Foundation?


Attorney Sidney Powell claimed that widely used voting machines from the election technology company Dominion Voting Systems featured software created “at the direction” of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to swing his own election results, and that the company has ties to the Clinton Foundation and Soros.

This is false

None of this is true. Dominion has no corporate ties with Venezuela, the Clinton Foundation or Soros.

Powell and other Trump allies have tried to tie Dominion, which sells election technology that was used in more than two dozen states, to another voting company called Smartmatic. During the 2020 election, Smartmatic’s technology was used only in Los Angeles County, and not in any swing states, a spokesperson for the company told CNN.

Smartmatic was founded in Florida by two Venezuelans, and did provide election technology to the Venezuelan government. Powell has posted on social media a purported affidavit from an unnamed Venezuelan official claiming Smartmatic software was used to change votes in the country. But those claims have no evidence, and there’s no reason to believe the company’s software was created to make sure Chavez “never lost an election,” as Powell claimed. The company actually spoke out to accuse the Venezuelan government of voter fraud in 2017.

The bigger issue with this claim is that there is no evidence that Dominion machines used Smartmatic software, as Powell suggested — and thus zero connection between Venezuela and the company whose voting machines were actually used in the swing states Trump is focusing on. Both Dominion and Smartmatic have said that they are competitors with no corporate links.

The origin of the claim linking the companies seems to be a convoluted corporate transfer: In 2005, Smartmatic acquired a company called Sequoia Voting Systems, but sold it in 2007 after questions from members of Congress over the acquisition by a company linked to Venezuela. Three years later, Dominion, which was founded as a Canadian company but is now majority owned by Americans, acquired Sequoia. In addition, Smartmatic licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines in 2009, but the contract ended in a lawsuit, Dominion said in its statement.

Neither Dominion nor Smartmatic have corporate ties to the Clintons or Soros, a major Democratic donor. While Dominion did agree to donate its technology to “emerging democracies” as part of a program run by the Clinton Foundation in 2014, according to the foundation’s website, Dominion said in its statement that it has “no company ownership relationships” with the foundation. And while the chairman of the board of Smartmatic’s parent company is also on the board of a foundation run by Soros, Open Society Foundations, Soros himself is not involved in either company.

Fake News Reporter Preps Hit Piece On Powell, Byrne

Update [3.41 pm, Jan 27 IST]:
I added another tidbit to my comments at DC on Jo Becker’s forthcoming hit piece on Byrne and Powell for exposing Dominion Voting Systems’ fraud:

The link goes to an article demonstrating the abysmal incompetence and bad faith of major reporters today. The NYT was hit by a defamation lawsuit after it claimed that its video was unsourced, when there were multiple witnesses that the Times just couldn’t be bothered to track down. Then, the Times admitted that its own take on Project Veritas was based on what it read on Wikipedia….


Over at  Deep Capture, Patrick Byrne, former Overstock CEO and crusader against Wall Street and election fraud, has published an email from Jo Becker, a NY Times reporter asking for Byrne’s comment on a piece she is writing about his funding of Sidney Powell to the tune of $500,000 to research Dominion Voting Systems for fraud during the 2020 presidential election, a story she has heard from some unnamed source, she says:

“I have been told and am preparing to report that you gave the lawyer Sidney Powell $500,000 to investigate Dominion and the role it’s voting machines may have played, allowing her to continue to pursue this line of inquiry.”

As I blogged earlier, one of the most important things that digital warriors can do is to provide the  background of the pressitutes and hacks that pass for the 4th estate these days.

Jo Becker, with three Pulitzer Prizes under her belt, is clearly a mouth-piece for elite narrative-shaping, because, these days prestigious prizes are awarded mainly to those inclined to play that role.

My comments at Deep Capture summarize what a little research into her history found:


She couldn’t be bothered to research this story so she went with an obviously incorrect tip, if there really was a tip. She couldn’t be bothered to check her grammar, so she added an apostrophe incorrectly to a possessive pronoun.

Any NYT reporter who uses anonymous sources [“have been told”] to prepare media reports to help Dominion in its retaliatory lawsuit against Powell and Guiliani for over a billion dollars, is likely an asset of some kind and not playing fair.

That’s just an educated guess for now, but I would urge the digital warriors on this blog to check into it.
People have been asking what they can do. Well, here it is.

Delve into Jo Becker’s past reporting, any connections to the financial cabal, or even to Coomer himself, proof of Mockingbird status, ties to Dem financiers or hacks, affairs with Coomer’s lawyers, business irregularities, court filings, and the rest of her history. Give these propaganda outlets a taste of the medicine they dish out to others.

Particularly look for her stories covering Trump, RussiaCollusion, and any BFF status with Obama and Hillary associates.

This will extract a price from reporters…and the people behind them… for intimidating anyone who exposes cabal corruption.”

OK guys, got some background.
Becker is a 3x Pulitzer winning reporter, who left the WashPo for NYT.
WashPo is even more of a Mockingbird outlet than any other paper.
So that is strike one.
Strike two. She has an extensive background in negative reporting on Trump, including pushing Russian collusion stuff.
Strike three. Her husband Serge Kovaleski, also of WashPo, now at NYT, is the son of Fred K. who was a CIA spy. Kovaleski goes back decades in interaction with Trump. He is the guy with the disability who was allegedly mocked by Trump. I would say what I dug up in just one minute is already looking bad for her objectivity in writing about Dominion.

[I know I did not put hyphens in some places, but that is because my keyboard isn’t working right not because I cannot be bothered.]


  1. More on ”reporter” Jo Becker and her direct ties to HILARY ROSEN AND KEN MEHLMAN, whose interests evidently guide her reporting.

    Becker’s Pulitzer Prize was not given because her gay marriage book was great: it’s been trashed even by the Guardian, from the left, as a kind of rewrite of the history of marriage equality to give credit only to “rich, white” guys….

    What the Guardian should have said is that CREDIT WAS ONLY GIVEN TO DEMOCRAT ACTIVISTS.
    In other words, those kinds of prizes go to those who promote the CABAL NARRATIVE.

    Becker’s book promoted Chad Griffen, who ended up heading HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, a very important part of the Democrat power base.

    Becker’s promotion of Griffen and Human Rights Campaign ties directly to HRC’s HILARY ROSEN, one of the most powerful women in politics, Democrat political strategist, lobbyist, CNN analyst, Trump hater, and handler of Hillary, Feinstein, and other swamp critters on the left.


    “Hilary Rosen thinks that media will bitterly regret the day they have started treating Trump as a “normal politician.”


    “But Becker’s reliance on the AFER (and, later, HRC) team — primarily lawyers Olson and Boies, staffers Griffin and Adam Umhoefer, and consultants [HILARY] ROSEN and KEN MEHLMAN]— is ultimately the book’s downfall. Almost any contextualizing of the case is done by people with a vested and open interest in advancing the narrative that Griffin, with Olson’s help, rescued a cause that Becker claims “had largely languished in obscurity.”



    I lumped Ken Mehlman in with Rosen as a DEM operative, but in fact he is a gay Republican…one time chair of the RNC, whose position at HRC misled me. A RINO most likely, as he seems to be very active in Green investments. He is chief of Environmental Social governance at KKR, one of the largest private equity firms in the world. We know that private equity is heavily invested in Dominion Voting systems…and I would guess Mehlman has a hand in investments at KKR…and they are likely invested in Dominion as well. Must find a concrete link for that.