Hate-Russia Is Part Of The Internet Counter-Reformation

The Internet Reformation [h/t to Anthony Wile of The Daily Bell ] is the notion that the widespread use of the internet was the equivalent of the  widespread use of the printed word, following on Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press.

It was an unveiling of things that had been hidden until then, from the teachings of the Bible to the workings of nature. It was an apocalypse, if you will, of the same magnitude as what is taking place today, with the adoption of the Internet.

Something similar was supposed to have happened with the Internet. The monopoly of the large media houses was supposed to have been shattered and replaced by the voices of citizens. And it was. But this Reformation was barely underway in 2007, when the Internet Counter-Reformation mounted its assault, using dozens of large anonymous or pseudonymous “citizen media” outlets, which, on careful examination, proved to have been astro-turfed.

That is, they led straight back to the mainstream media [MSM] and to the mainstream alternative media, to use an oxymoron.

I have explained who these mainstream alternatives are elsewhere.

They include outlets like Democracy Now, Alternet, Breitbart, Daily Caller and dozens of others.

These are just a few I’ve picked that are widely read on all sides of the political spectrum.  There are scores of other sites that are just as influential that I have not named. They too belong here. As do hundreds of smaller ones, for whom the words below are equally relevant.

The mainstream alternatives constitute what the now-disappeared Zahir Ebrahim

[who seems to have resurfaced through a mirror blog of some kind]

has dubbed the dissentstream

a body of dissent, which, on closer examination, reinforces in subtle ways the assumptions and conclusions of the mainstream media, both establishment and alternative.

This body of dissent mixed with disinformation is allowed to exist because of the variety of uses it has for the state:

It acts a  release-valve for citizen frustration and hostility

It provides maximum cognitive diversity in the information environment

Is provides maximum cover for information operations and black operations conducted by the intelligence services

It allows war- gaming of various planned or mulled future scenarios

It traces and surveils social networks of potential and real dissidents

It disciplines bloggers/citizens to self-censor, through high-profile highly visible pundit take-downs and cancellations

It tests the public mood and readiness for various covert and public projects

It employs predictive programming, aka “revelation of the method,” as described by Michael Hoffman

[The notion of predictive programming is regarded as a conspiracy theory by the media-academic-think-tank complex, which is now sending anyone who looks for it on a Google search to the term, predictive coding. Previously, you could find predictive programming on the first page of a Google search for the term.]

It generates and develops memes that mold public consciousness and markets

It taps potential markets and creates new one

It takes without credit, ideas, research, innovations, and leads and uses them to reward and enrich preferred individuals and companies  and to suppress and impoverish other voices

That is not an exhaustive list, by any means.

Bottom line:

The media is not about informing the public. It is about misleading it and milking it.

The media is not about revealing the truth. It is about paralyzing the will and diverting/exhausting attention and resources.



Study suggests whites don’t see non-whites as “people”?

From April Kemick at the University of Toronto (Scarborough) website:

“The human brain fires differently when dealing with people outside of one’s own race, according to new research out of the University of Toronto Scarborough.

This research, conducted by social neuroscientists at U of T Scarborough, explored the sensitivity of the “mirror-neuron-system” to race and ethnicity. The researchers had study participants view a series of videos while hooked up to electroencephalogram (EEG) machines. The participants – all white – watched simple videos in which men of different races picked up a glass and took a sip of water. They watched white, black, South Asian and East Asian men perform the task.

Typically, when people observe others perform a simple task, their motor cortex region fires similarly to when they are performing the task themselves. However, the UofT research team, led by PhD student Jennifer Gutsell and Assistant Professor Dr. Michael Inzlicht, found that participants’ motor cortex was significantly less likely to fire when they watched the visible minority men perform the simple task. In some cases when participants watched the non-white men performing the task, their brains actually registered as little activity as when they watched a blank screen.

“Previous research shows people are less likely to feel connected to people outside their own ethnic groups, and we wanted to know why,” says Gutsell. “What we found is that there is a basic difference in the way peoples’ brains react to those from other ethnic backgrounds. Observing someone of a different race produced significantly less motor-cortex activity than observing a person of one’s own race. In other words, people were less likely to mentally simulate the actions of other-race than same-race people”

The trend was even more pronounced for participants who scored high on a test measuring subtle racism, says Gutsell.”


Actually, what the researchers found was not that “people’s brains” react differently when they watch people of other races than their own.

What they found was that white people’ brains reacted differently when they watched non-whites, as opposed to other whites. A bit of a difference.

Now, if the researchers had also done tests with brown people as the study group and then blacks and other groups, then it would be valid for them to generalize from their research to conclusions about people as a whole.

But they can’t generalize about “people” from one subset of people without being guilty of the very thing they’re supposed to be studying, racism.

Of course, the perceptions of the whites in the study might not have had so much to do with color as such, although it manifested that way, but as with the status evoked by white skin. Since white or light-skin tends to signify higher status in contemporary society, it follows that when white people – in this study – showed less awareness of or empathy toward dark-skinned people, they might have been doing that not so much because of the different skin-colors of the people they were observing, but because of what those colors signify today, which is lower status.

This inference is strengthened by a similar study of race and perception conducted by Sophie Trawalter et al. in 2012.

Quoting from the abstract of the Trawalter study:

Archival data from the National Football League injury reports reveal that, relative to injured White players, injured Black players are deemed more likely to play in a subsequent game, possibly because people assume they feel less pain. Experiments 1–4 show that White and Black Americans–including registered nurses and nursing students–assume that Black people feel less pain than do White people. Finally, Experiments 5 and 6 provide evidence that this bias is rooted in perceptions of status, not race per se.

The authors suggest that the findings of their study do not necessarily mean that whites are being racist in not caring when non-white people feel pain. The findings could also mean that white people show less empathy because, for one reason or other, they think black people can tolerate greater pain.

Of course, none of these conclusions means much until studies of black or brown perceptions of white people are also done.

One might guess that in those studies it will be found that browns and blacks are actually more sensitive to the pains of whites than those of their own.  One might guess that, because in recent studies it’s been shown that both whites and blacks rated white faces as more intelligent, honest, and attractive than they did black/dark-skinned faces….

I’ll pull up the link in a minute… (incomplete)

The Mind-Body Politic: The Technique Of Inner Listening

The fifth chakra = Vishuddha


“The throat wheel is an important centre in the Highest Yoga traditions of Vajrayana. It is circular, red, with 16 upward pointing petals or channels. It is of particular importance for the practice of Dream Yoga. Correctly meditating upon it before going to sleep should produce lucid dreams, within which one can continue to practice yoga.[1]

“Western occultists make various differing kabbalistic associations with Vishuddha. Some associate it with the hidden sephirah Da’at, where ‘wisdom’ and ‘understanding’ are balanced in the supernal realm by the aspect of ‘knowledge’, a tangible idea, which is then expressed, leading to the act of the creation, others associate it with the sephirah Chesed and Geburah, mercy and strength, which are sephirah intimately associated with morality, and the concept that both expansion, as expressed by Chesed, and limitation, as expressed by Geburah, are necessary for the creation of individual beings. In terms of ethics, this is expressed by the yamas and niyamas ( do’s and do nots ) of yoga.”

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 3.39-3.49

“By samyama over the relation between space and the power of hearing, the higher, divine power of hearing comes.

(shrotra akashayoh sambandha samyamat divyam shrotram)
[Note: In some renditions this is sutra 3.40 or 3.41]

  • shrotra = ear, the power of hearing
  • akasha = space, ether
  • sambandha = over the relation
  • samyama = dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi taken together (3.4)
  • divyam = higher, divine
  • shrotram = ear

Divine or psychic hearing: By samyama over the relation between space (one of the five elements) and the power of hearing, the higher, divine power of hearing comes.

Space, hearing, and the chakras: Space is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and hearing is one of the five karmendriyas. Both of these operate from the fifth chakra, which is at the throat. It is through samyama of one that mastery over the other is attained. The same principle applies to the other elements, karmendriyas, and jnanendriyas. (See the Chakras section of Kundalini Awakening).”


by Ada Cambridge
(hat-tip to Ajit Vadakayil)

Me let the world disparage and despise —
As one unfettered with its gilded chains,
As one untempted by its sordid gains,
Its pleasant vice, its profitable lies;
Let Justice, blind and halt and maimed, chastise
The rebel spirit surging in my veins,
Let the law deal me penalties and pains
And make me hideous in my neighbours’ eyes.

But let me fall not in mine own esteem,
By poor deceit or selfish greed debased.
Let me be clean from secret stain and shame,
Know myself true, though false as hell I seem —
Know myself worthy, howsoe’er disgraced —
Know myself right, though every tongue should blame

John Marks: The Manchurian Candidate – Brainwashing

From The Search for the Manchurian Candidate – John Marks

Chapter 8.   Brainwashing:

In September 1950, the Miami News published an article by Edward Hunter titled ” ‘Brain-Washing’ Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party.” It was the first printed use in any language of the term “brainwashing,” which quickly became a stock phrase in Cold War headlines. Hunter, a CIA propaganda operator who worked under cover as a journalist, turned out a steady stream of books and articles on the subject. He made up his coined word from the Chinese hsi-nao—”to cleanse the mind”—which had no political meaning in Chinese. Continue reading