Did Amy Kremer and Chris Barron Sabotage the Capitol Rally?

Note: This still needs additional research and links, but I am posting it to identify how the walk to an area near the Capitol building was sabotaged.


I previously posted the signed public statement by the founder of STOPTHESTEAL, Ali Alexander, that he has had information for some time that the march to the Capitol on January 6, 2021,  was sabotaged by two people, one of whom worked for Women For America First, a group founded by the Kremer family; the other is a Trump campaign advisor.

He adds that there was “at least one campaign advisor,” which suggests that there may have been more than two saboteurs.

STOPTHESTEAL is one of several groups involved in the two Capitol Hill events and was permitted to use Lot 8, near the Capitol building, for its ONE NATION UNDER GOD event. The first event, the Save America rally, was held at the Ellipse, which was permitted to Women For America First.

It is this group that Ali claims produced the two saboteurs.


Women For America First put out this statement about the aftermath of the Capitol, denouncing the violence and distancing itself from it.


Note: These are my suspicions based on the resumes of the people involved, their history of subversion. Most likely, the suspects acted through underlings whose names will only surface from a police investigation. However, the underlings would not have been able to act without the go ahead from their superiors. So, fingering these two people is justifiable in the context of the awful national consequences of what happened on January 6.

Barron’s Current Position

The founder of WAF is listed as Amy Kremer and the press statement gives a contact, Chris Barron. with an email address with the domain name rightturnstrategiesdc.com

Right Turn Strategies is a PR/lobbying/strategizing group, adept at working both inside and outside DC and they explain what they do thus:

“Within our communications practice we offer a variety of services including traditional public relations, marketing support and brand development, media training, and crisis management.  As a result, we are fluent in crafting both proactive and reactive strategies. We understand that some clients seek us out to raise their profiles- or that of their business- while others have come to us in an effort to stay “under the radar.” 

Experienced in both paradigms, we quickly assess the situation, and craft and execute a plan to further our client’s objective.  

More often than not, the most important component of a successful strategy is getting the messaging right for the targeted audience. In today’s world, this might mean crafting multiple, nuanced messages to reach different audiences.”

The reference to crisis management and under the radar operations suggests that the group might be adept at subverting a movement from within using deceptive techniques.

Chris Barron seems to be the “Trump campaign advisor” that Ali Alexander refers to in his allegation, since Barron’s biography at the end of a  piece on NeverTrumpers has this:

Chris Barron is President of Right Turn Strategies. He is a contributor to The Hill, and a regular on the Kennedy Show on FOX Business and Unfiltered on Headline News. He was a media surrogate for the Trump campaign and organized LGBT for Trump.

An LGBT advocate is going to have a hard time with the conservative Christian positions of the mainstream of the pro Trump movement and his presence in the campaign seems like a plant.

I think we have one of the two suspects in the sabotage.

Sabotage has also been the modus operandi of the Lincoln Project, which poses as Republican, but actually makes common cause with Democrats to subvert more traditional Republicans, in this case, Trump supporters.

Barron’s History of Subversion

Confirming this suspicion, only a few years ago, Chris Barron was the spokesman of a liberal Republican group [one that is Republican in Name Only] called Mainstream Republicans  whose sole purpose was to undermine limited government groups, like the Tea Party and Freedom Works, and substitute big government, liberal positions for theirs:

Main Street Advocacy, a Republican establishment advocacy group that received seed money from K street, is an organization created expressly to fight limited-government groups who challenge Republican Party officials and to promote liberal and moderate Republicans in government positions.

The group believes that the Tea Party is costing them valuable seats in the Congress.

So Barron has a history of creating astroturf Republican outfits, using money from K street, which was created to finance groups advocating lower taxes,  to undermine genuine grass-roots small government outfits.  To make the situation worse, the original Tea Party formed from a base of anti-Federal Reserve, pro-hard money, Christian conservative, and anti-NWO groups that were followers of Republican candidate Ron Paul, had by then itself been subverted into the later Tea Party, funded by the Koch brothers.

This latter Tea Party, already closer to the statist mainstream than its original base, was the one targeted by Barron’s deceptively named Mainstream Republicans.

MR’s positions in truth more resembled those of mainstream liberal  Democrat groups. Indeed, the two worked together to undermine first, the Tea Party, and then its resurgence in the shape of MAGA [Make America Great Again].

Barron’s profile and history show clear evidence of intentionally subverting the base that became the core of Trump’s following.

So why was he an advisor to the campaign and a coordinator of the single most important public event in the entire Trump presidency?


Amy and Kylie Jane Kremer’s Position

We find the same profile and history in the case of Amy Kremer, the other suspected saboteur, who with her daughter is the founder of Women For America First, a 504c foundation. 504c’s  do not need to reveal the sources of their funding.

Kremer’s daughter Kylie Jane is the  director of Women for America First and the permit for the January 6 event was in her name.

Amy Kremer’s History

Kylie Jane’s mother is referred to as a former Tea Party activist, but further research shows that Amy Kremer is actually a liberal Republican or RINO with a history of subverting the Tea Party, just like that of Chris Barron.

Kremer founded Tea Party Patriots, which left-liberal reporter David Wiegel, who followed and misrepresented the Tea Party movement for years, describes as the original grass roots movement.  However, TPP was only created in 2010 and the original Tea Party came out of the Ron Paul libertarians around 2005- 2007. By 2010, that movement had been coopted by mainstream Republicans receiving Koch funding and a rift existed between the two groups’ motivations and goals. Kremer’s TPP was thus, already a mainstream Republican group, something Wiegel’s unreliable narrative fails to state.

On top of that, Kremer then subverted this group by leaving it to form Tea Party Express, a spin- off from another astro-turf group and locked down TPP’s resources during her exit, thereby effectively neutering it. It’s likely that that was her goal all along, which means she too has a history of turning grass roots Republican movements into  liberal Republican or RINO projects.

Exactly like Chris Barron.


The Jan 6 events were subverted in two distinct ways:

  1. The main speakers, including Trump, were lined up only 2-3 days before the first event at the Ellipse, although PDJT had been promoting the event from mid- December onward. To add to the confusion, at least one data science speaker was cancelled a couple of days before the event and didn’t even go to DC. The slots for the remaining data scientists, Patrick Byrne, and General Flynn, were all cancelled at the meeting itself. No special preparations had been made for them, reportedly, so the decision to cancel was seemingly not last-minute, but taken earlier, while the speakers were notified at the last minute. This suggests that the person who cancelled didn’t want to allow for explanations, substitutions, or any fall-back planning. That is a sign of sabotage not confusion.
  2. The second event at Lot 8 was also sabotaged, because programming and instructions about how to get there from the Ellipse were never given at the first event, which was the original plan.  People observed a younger crowd, smelling of marijuana, and dressed in ways unusual for Trump supporters, coming in to the previous night’s event, as well as the events of Jan 6. Some of this younger crowd seems to have left before Trump’s speech got under way and gone on ahead to the Capitol building, from where they got into the building and engaged in some vandalism. The police appear to have been negligent in protecting the building and were also seen in many videos actively helping people enter and looking the other way, on one hand, while also engaging in unprovoked aggression, including pepper- spraying, tasering, and releasing smoke-bombs.

From StopTheSteal’s statement above and other news items, we get the following:

  1. There was an event at the Ellipse of the President’s Park or South Lawn, permitted to Women For America First, hosted by a variety of groups, including Ali Alexander’s StopTheSteal, Women for Trump, and Women for America First, etc.
  2. The permitted event was to begin at 9 AM and continue to 5 PM
  3. President Trump’s speech was scheduled for 11 AM but it was delayed by and hour and went on to 1 PM??. It seems that while POTUS boosted the event from mid-December onward, he only knew he was scheduled to speak on January 3rd, on the weekend before the event. Could this be why the speech sounded mundane? The Trump team denied that any member of his campaign staff was involved in the organization, operation, or funding of the rally. And if any contractors or former members were, it was without the authorization of the campaign. Thus, Barron as a media liaison of the campaign, would have acted on his own.
  4. Patrick Byrne, Michael Flynn had been told they would speak on January 6 at the invitation of Women For Trump, according to Patrick Byrne. Byrne implies he was told sometime after January 2 and before January 6, which fits with when Trump was told.  On January 5, he was told that one of the 3 or 4 scientists and analysts who had been asked to speak for a few minutes each had had his slot cancelled.  When Byrne and Flynn got to the Ellipse on the 6th, there was no slot for them. They listened to the speeches right up through some of Trump’s. Flynn was later invited on stage by an embarrassed organizer, but he refused. The two left in the beginning or middle of POTUS’ speech.
  5. Eric and Don Jr. gave speeches.
  6. Alex Jones was told that he would be leading a procession to the Capitol and his signal would be the moment when Secret Service police came up to him at the event. But he found that people had gotten there ahead of him.
  7.  The second part of the event was the One Nation Under God event at Lot 8 near the Capitol building, which was organized by and permitted to StopTheSteal. Programming and instructions about walking over there from the Ellipse were supposed to be given to the audience and televised on a large screen at the first event at the Ellipse. Through the deliberate sabotage of  two employees of the Women For America, according to Ali Alexander, this never happened.  Instead, the crowd was left to wander over  mistakenly to the Capitol building itself, where, unknown to them, a trap was ready to be sprung.
  8. At Lot 8,  Senator Paul Gosar [R- Arizona] was supposed to raise the original objection to the election certification and then Senator Ted Cruz [R-Texas] was to propose a Commission to review the merits of the objections. StopTheSteal anticipated that the gathered crowd of OVER A MILLION would add their voices to strengthen the resolve of the wavering Republicans. This and only this was what President Trump intended. Not the march to the physical Capitol building, where, again, unknown to the protestors, additional security had been refused, security had been told to let in people, and infiltrators of many stripes were present, posing both as Trump supporters, as well as opposition, like BLM and Antifa. There were actual BLM supporters present, as well as agent provocateur right- wing groups like Proud Boys posing as BLM, thus adding dense confusion to the events that followed.



StopTheSteal Blames Women For America First For Jan 6 Chaos

From Ali Alexander of STOPTHESTEAL:

“….Women for America First and at least one Trump campaign advisor betrayed President Trump by intentionally eliminating the clear directions meant for the million-plus patriots Stop the Steal had assembled to hear President Trump.

President Trump was unaware of this catastrophic failure when he gave his keynote address. His general comments about walking to the US Capitol were meant to point people to what was supposed to be the previously mentioned Lot 8, permitted to us by the Capitol Police not the physical building itself.

This is the first time this information is being made available to the general public.

This last minute negligence by Women for America First–run by the Kremer family–spiraled the nation into chaos. Stop the Steal remains in support of federal investigations probing the decision-making processes that led to the civil unrest, as well as civil wrongful death claims from families who lost loved ones. We were all hijacked.

In contrast to the chaos at the Capitol, the Stop the Steal movement for election integrity remained peaceful. Over a 10-week period, Stop the Steal hosted nearly two million Americans in approximately 600 to 1000 protests in all 50 states.

The premeditated actions of bad actors not only disgraced our Capitol but also disrupted both the Stop the Steal sponsored event at the Ellipse and the Stop the Steal organized event at Lot 8 on Capitol Hill permitted by US Capitol Police….

This evidence exonerates any claims of incitement. Our non-association with these photographed and recorded agitators proves both Stop the Steal and President Trump did not participate in any conspiracy to commit insurrection….

….I, Ali Alexander, am publicly stating what I’ve already privately told officials: I remain ready to publicly testify before Congress and Almighty God to the events that led to and occurred on January 6, 2021.

Christ is King.


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Indian Jan 6?: Farmers Breach Republic Day Barriers, Clash With Police

The Republic Day parade in the Indian capital, Delhi, has turned chaotic, as protesting farmers, given permission to hold a rally after the parade, arrived early, broke through barriers, and clashed with lathi-charging police, in what looks like a reprise of the instigated and staged violence,  at the January 6 Capitol protests in the USA.  Violent riots, reportedly instigated, are now unfolding in Putin’s Russia as well. Billionaire leftist change maestro, George Soros, has poured money into attacking Trump, Putin, and others.

Meanwhile, the Italian PM has resigned.

Three Narratives About The Massive Troop Presence In DC

NOQReport sums up different narratives about the presence of massive numbers of troops in DC:

“Right now there are two mainstream ideas as to what is really going on with Washington DC’s military control. The mainstream narrative is that it’s a natural reaction to the violence that occurred on the Capitol Building on January 6th. The problem with this theory is that there have been no credible calls for an armed protest on Inauguration Day. In fact, Conservative voices have been telling people to stay home and to NOT come to DC. The only credible report that I could find of ANYONE planning on showing up was the Boogaloo Boys, but they are so few in number, that would not warrant the 35,000+ troops on the ground.

On the Conservative side, there’s the claim that this is Donald Trump playing 5D chess, and that the military is there to arrest all of the Deep State who are traitors to the United States of America. They cite the fact that there are fences facing inward, which appear to be designed to keep people IN as opposed to OUT. Now, if that happens, that would be epic and a total Trump move. But is that the game plan, or is there something more sinister going on?

Could this be yet another setup by the Deep State to take out conservatives once and for all. Just as much of the Capitol Riots were designed as a setup to discredit the Conservative Movement, this could be yet another one. They are setting the stage that the Right is extremely violent, and the visual cue for that is the thousands of troops protecting our nation’s capitol. But what happens if there’s an attempt of violence that they thwart or actually allow to occur? This could justify the outright targeting and persecution of all conservatives, treated as an enemy of the state.”

Well, this is was always one of my great fears and the reason I didn’t vote for PDJT the first time around. I thought his whole presidency might be a Trojan horse to discredit conservatives.

I don’t think that now, having watched him for 4 years. And right now, I don’t think this is a set up. The other side is absolutely desperate and the infiltration of the Jan 6 rally, like the hacking of the election software, is a Hail Satan pass born out of sheer desperation at the persisting support for PDJT.


National Guard Chief Says 65,000 Soldiers And Airmen In DC Now

I came across this video in which National Guard Bureau chief Dan Hokanson says that 65,000 soldiers and airmen of the NG [3 times the number being reported in the media] are on the ground in DC.

Trump Incitement Timeline Fully Debunked

‘From CNN via DCPatriot:

“Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control, a federal law enforcement official says.

Among the evidence the FBI is examining are indications that some participants at the Trump rally at the Ellipse, outside the White House, left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items to be used in the assault on the Capitol.”
This reference to the crowd at the Ellipse is interesting because it appears that it was pioneer alternative news provider Alex Jones who organized the crowd at the Ellipse.
The observation that the movement to the Capitol came from the crowd at the Ellipse is seconded in this piece at USA Today:
Many of the rioters came directly from President Donald Trump’s “Save America Rally” that began hours earlier on the Ellipse, a park near the White House. Trump spoke to them for more than an hour, insisting that the election had been stolen.
USA Today’s timeline has the rally at the Ellipse starting around 6 am with some supporters arriving the previous night. It has the Save America Rally beginning at 11 am with speeches by Eric Trump and Don Jr. and Rudy Guiliani, followed by Trump at around 11.50 am.
The speech goes on for about an hour and during the time Trump urges supporters to walk down with him to the Capitol and tell Congress to do the right thing.
USA Today claims the protestors at the rally started the walk at the end of the speech at around 1 pm.
But Raheem Kassam has debunked this “Trump incitement” time-line. The speech was not easy to hear, was mostly a laundry list of election fraud with nothing new in it, and began late, so people wandered off before it ended toward the Capitol.
Kassam points out that the first protestors arrived at around 12.40 pm at the Capitol, a half hour before Trump ended his speech at 1.11 pm and over 76 minutes before any supporter could have made the 45 minute walk from the Ellipse to the Capitol following the speech. The outer perimeter of the Capitol had been breached and police chief Sund was calling for the National Guard before the President had even finished his speech. In fact, to do what investigators found them to have done, those who breached the Capitol would have had to have left the Ellipse before Trump began speaking.
The SGT Report published an eye witness account of the Ellipse rally and the walk to the Capitol, which contradicts the mainstream reports on several points.
Apparently the rally at the Ellipse was to run from 9 to 11, followed by another gathering at the North lawn of the Capitol building at 1.  This was announced at the website wildprotest.com which now brings up a 404 error sign.
Other participants have also mentioned the confusion arising from two planned events and the first one running an hour late.
The SGT Report account mentions young men with scary masks but Revolutionary symbols on the backs of their clothes boarding trains running into DC. It also mentions the unusual smell of pot at the Ellipse, but, other than that, nothing unusual about the crowd of mostly white but some Asian and a few black supporters.
He does observe that the earliest people to get to the Capitol were on average younger than the group at the Ellipse and they were the ones scaling the walls and pushing through the metal barriers. He saw smoke, smelled tear gas and heard ceremonial cannon fire but he saw no violence from the protestors and knew nothing about the entry into the Capitol until he heard it from someone else. Then he saw what he thought was an Antifa infiltrator breaking glass to enter the building. Later he heard that a woman had been killed.
As mentioned earlier, Alex Jones paid half a million to book the Ellipse and he said he was asked by Trump to lead the march. The secret service was supposed to call him out earlier to do that but he found that people had already gone on ahead.
“Jones also said he paid close to $500,000 to book the Ellipse, the park where Trump’s supporters initially gathered, and other areas near the Capitol. He said 80% of the money came from an unnamed donor.”
The second interesting point is that investigators are using a counter-terrorism strategy of picking up people who might be of concern in the future on very minimal charges. The targets mentioned in the piece are both Proud Boys leaders who were taken in on fairly innocuous infractions, such as destroying a BLM banner and making ominous online postings. Proud Boys is supposedly a far- right outfit that has picked up a reputation for standing up to BLM and Antifa, which, of course, means that in the mainstream narrative they are violent murderous fascists. I say supposedly because several savvy observers think PB are agents provocateurs themselves.
The final point made in the piece is that investigators are looking for evidence of any kind of command and control behind the protestors, which suggests that they don’t think that the more violent aspects of the rally were set off spontaneously by what Trump said in his speech, which is the mainstream narrative. They think there was a coordinated plan in motion, well before Trump even got to the protest.

Stirring Footage From Inside Jan 6 Capitol Protest

Watch this footage taken by New Yorker reporter Luke Mogelson and ask yourself if, given the circumstances,  there’s anything at all to be ashamed about in the overall behavior of this crowd of anywhere from half a million to over a million.

I couldn’t have felt prouder watching this honest, courageous, self-restrained ground-swell of patriotic feeling and righteous indignation.

If this be insurrection, make the most of it. And count me right in as an insurrectionist.

The protestors for the most part are dressed in ordinary street wear, some wearing masks of the US flag, others carrying US or Trump flags. Inside the halls of Congress they chant, Protect your liberty, Protect the constitution and tell the guards they are there because Trump, the guards’ boss, wants them there. They thank the guards for letting them in. They chant “Whose house? Our house,” “It’s the people’s house, let the people in,” and similar stuff.

“Defend the constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic,” shouts another. They talk about it being a war.

They march through the halls, look around and ask where everyone is because there’s no one but police. The brave Congress critters are skulking under desks in safe spaces, instead of meeting their constituents.

When someone sits in the vice president’s chair, one of the leaders tells him he cannot and it is disrespectful. The fellow in the chair then asks, with splendid logic, why THEY can steal an election, but HE cannot sit in a chair. But he does get up.

The officers who let them in are thanked repeatedly and told that they are only doing their job and it’s appreciated. A leader calls out that this is hallowed ground, sacred, and deserves respect. Another protestor says, Now that we’re here, we might as well form a government.

One guy’s looking for anything in the papers left behind that can be used against these “scumbags,” a sentiment probably shared by around 100 million people, including this blogger.

Someone tells the rest to watch what they do, because it’s a PR war…there’s talk of an information operation.

The guy with the horns on his head, Qanon Shaman, bellows in the background high above the paper hunters at the desks. Someone says they’ve found papers showing that Cruz was going to object to Arizona’s objection…he was going to sell us out anyway..Then he seems to retract. Another person says, Cruz and Hawley would have wanted us to do this. Someone says, There are 4 million people coming, some have just not got there. Another refers to a million people.

Several men get up and invoke Jesus Christ’s name, asking for light and protection from heaven, thanking Him for giving them the opportunity to be heard in this place and for being able to take back the country from communists, globalists, and traitors.

Before leaving, one of the leaders wants a picture taken and asks permission from the guards to do it.

Then they leave through one entrance while Mogelson leaves through another, where he takes more footage, this showing a more boisterous side of things. People are scaling the walls, tearing off fabric high up, but are largely nonviolent, with lots of chanting: USA, USA, and I think, We want Trump.

The police start tasering and throwing smoke bombs and people shout, Is that all you’ve got? We’re coming for you…

Someone builds a gallows and starts shouting, We’re going to hunt each and everyone of you down. There are calls to fight at home, to protest in the state capitols and to organize. Better to die a free man, shouts one man, than on your knees. Someone uses a flagpole to smash what looks like suitcases or boxes and shouts about how the media wouldn’t be able to record that. Another man says CNN is hiding behind Union Station.

People shout Treason, treason, treason.

Alex Jones Paid For Part Of Capitol Rally

I found this piece at the NY Post really interesting and possibly significant.

Alternative news pioneer, Alex Jones, of Info Wars fame, paid $500,000 of his own money to book either the Ellipse or another venue [it isn’t clear from the article] at the January 6 Capitol protest.

The idea was for Jones to lead the walk to the Capitol, but people were already on their way in the hundreds of thousands before he got there.

One of the things that participants noted was the disorganization of the event, from the poor quality of the audio that meant that Trump’s speech wasn’t easy to hear to the division of the crowd into two venues organized by different groups.

It looks from this piece as if Jones was one of the organizers.

Trump seems to have publicly praised Jones and invited him to organize.  So one thing I’d like to follow up on is why Jones  did not coordinate with the other organizers.

The second question I have is about the size of the crowd.

I got the impression when I watched the rally on videos on pro-Trump sites like The Gateway Pundit, The Donald, Conservative Treehouse, and Centipede Nation, that it was over half a million and maybe even a million, but public accounts of it are much more modest, usually saying something like 200 to 300,000. But that’s still vastly more than the official estimates before the event, which anticipated a maximum number of 80,000.

On India Today, an American Indian Republican official of some kind mentioned a figure in excess of a million, but I have not been able to find a printed transcript of the interview.

This is the first printed estimate I have seen which is close to my own observation.

Trump Declares Emergency In DC


Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the District of Columbia and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the District’s response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021.

The President’s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the District of Columbia.

Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency. Emergency protective measures, limited to direct Federal assistance, will be provided at 100 percent Federal funding.

Pete Gaynor, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Thomas J. Fargione as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.


Gaynor replaces Chad Wolf

WARNING: Disable Updates On Cell Phones

Lin Wood posted this recently:

8 hours ago


President Trump will be using be using emergency broadcast system.

We have a man of courage & faith at the helm.

He will be at the helm for 4 more years per the RULE OF LAW.

Pray for President, our country & ALL.


As I blogged in the previous post, there seems to be a hint in Potus’ last tweet that he would be reaching supporters on emergency alerts on the Giant mass messaging system. There is a rumor going around that an automatic update to cell phones will disable the emergency messaging function.

So go into settings on your flip or smart phone and make sure to DISABLE AUTOMATIC UPDATES. You don’t want to lose that functionality.

However, just because we know how much disinformation is out there and because the deep state is always listening in to trap us with what we think we know but really don’t, it would be wise to make sure to check ALL update notices and see what they are about before unwarily installing something. The disabling mechanism might also come through a trojan or virus or even through some new app or software patch. No one can be sure.

Just be aware that there might be some kind of disruption in cell phone connectivity. Notice what happened after the Nashville bombing? Cell phone and internet services were disrupted in multiple states in the south for hours after.

Some people are warning about war being “imminent.”  I have to laugh at that. Imminent? We are already at war and have been for some time. Cyber attacks, psyops, black ops, market crashes, disinformation, targeted assassinations and disappearances, weather modification, information black-outs: these are the weapons of the latest model of war.